Working from home has become the new normal of most organizations and while it comes with many advantages, it is not free of its challenges. They may often be overlooked but eventually could pose a risk to the organization if not carefully identified and handled. We take a look at some of the challenges that come with remote work.
1. Poor and blurred work-life balance.
Essentially we do not carry work home but when the office is moved to the house it could be tempting to overwork and forget to unplug and take necessary breaks. It could also lead to bad habits like lack of exercise, overindulging, and poor feeding habits as one may not have set out proper meal breaks for themselves.
To manage this it is essential to have set breaks to unplug and discipline to work within the required timelines say from 8 am to 5 pm just as you would in the office. Create a schedule for other activities such as exercise in your time.
2. Feelings of isolation.
Humans are social beings with an inherent desire to interact with other people. Long periods of isolation and being set apart could lead to one feeling lonely and eventually if not handled well, could lead to stress and more severely, depression.
A solution to this is, Create social platforms to meet with workmates such as virtual meetings, team building activities, and a blended remote work program where after some time the employee goes to the office for a short period to break the monotony of working purely from home. This will also take personal initiative to engage in social activities such as family gatherings and meeting up regularly with friends.