Are you wondering why you need a watch in your life? believe it or not, there are way more benefits to owning one. In history, humankind has always viewed time and seasons as an important resource that they have always tried to utilize efficiently. Wristwatches have been there since the 15th century with the oldest surviving watch being one made in 1806 owned by Josephine de Beauharnais first wife to Emperor Napoleon I. Initially wristwatches were exclusively worn by women, however, due to maneuverability in the war fields in the 19th century most army men adopted the wristwatch which led to later acceptability and designing of men's wristwatches.
In the modern and very technologically evolved world the wristwatch still continues to survive despite the availability of time-telling features in smartphones tablets and other technological devices. Every day there is the manufacture, designing, and sale of wristwatches to people from all walks of life The reason for the survival of the wristwatches is the benefits and advantages of owning a wristwatch outlined below.

1. It is convenient.
Imagine having to reach into your pocket every time you have to check the time while you can just look at your wrist briefly and tell the time. When crossing the street, driving, or even walking in town regularly reaching out to your pocket or to your phone would lead to dangerous consequences such as accidents.

2. It is fashionable
Watches as fashion accessories bring out a sense of style that in turn showcases one's personality. Watches come in many different colors, designs, shapes, and brands that can match different outfits that you own. Some can also match different activities such as sports, dinners, or even professional meetings.

3. It helps avoid distractions
A wristwatch can help one avoid inefficiency by minimizing screen time spent on the smartphone. This lies on the premise that checking the time on the smartphone can lead to the temptation to check into social media or messages which could lead to distraction from performing other important tasks.

4. It helps you create and store memories
A wristwatch can serve as a piece of remembrance of pivotal events that happen in a person's life such as wedding anniversaries, graduations, first employment, and many other events whether they were gifted to you then or you were wearing them during the said occasions.

5. They are reliable
Most watches do not run out of charge regularly compared to smartphones and smartwatches. mechanical watches are able to keep up as long as they are well wound while watches that use batteries can last for approximately three years before changing the battery.

6. They are durable
Most watches last over long periods of time with very minimal repair and maintenance. This is owed to the fact that the watches are made using highly resistant materials such as steel and titanium. This means that watches can be even passed down from generation to generation as a family heritage. Therefore owning a wristwatch can guarantee to be in possession of a long lasting purchase.

7. They are a sign of sophistication
An elegant, well-designed wristwatch can make you stand out. Most powerful people appreciate having luxury watches since they are a sign of high value and quality. Therefore having a beautiful watch, not necessarily quite expensive can bring you out as a prestigious and a person of well-refined taste.

Finally one should buy a watch that you really fancy, it should be affordable, comfortably fit your wrist and be easy for you to read and interpret. It all boils down to your personal taste and lifestyle.
Thank you for reading and good luck as you select your watches. We are watching out for you.