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Why the sun is more important than you think

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

At 150 million kilometers away from earth, the big ball of plasma we know as the sun is the only star in our solar system. Its massive gravity pull effect maintains the planets and objects in our solar system in orbit. The sun has in many ways shaped life on earth as we know it and we are going to explore some interesting ways it does so.

The water and wind cycle

The Sun is very instrumental in the water cycle, where it provides energy to evaporate water on the earth's surface into the atmosphere. Some of the evaporated water condenses and comes back down to earth as rain, dew, or snow. Some of this water drains into the water bodies while some of it infiltrates into the ground and forms an underground water network that can still supply water to the surface. The cycle of evaporation and condensation then repeats ensuring the movement and distribution of water around the world.

The movement of air currents in form of wind is also partly dictated by the sun. This works when air warmed by the sun becomes light and rises to leave a space/ pressure difference in which cold air rushes in to fill creating the air current motion we know as wind.


Without solar radiation, the temperature on the earth would be below -18°C. The sun's heat radiated by the earth is absorbed and distributed in all directions with the help of the atmosphere also known as the greenhouse effect. This process keeps the earth warm enough to sustain life.

Health benefits.

Antiseptic properties.

An interesting fact is that UV rays associated with the sun are potent antibacterial agents. This also explains why most infections especially respiratory thrive during the winter. The UV antibacterial concept has also been adopted by most industries and health facilities to maintain sterile conditions within crucial areas.

Blood pressure reduction and bone health.

New research shows that other than stimulating the body's production of vitamin D which stimulates calcium absorption and bone health, exposure to sunlight also releases Nitric Oxide. This compound reduces blood pressure by increasing the dilation of blood vessels in the circulatory system. UVA rays are instrumental in blood pressure reduction while UVB rays are important in the production of vitamin D.

Sunlight improves your sleep quality.

Did you know that our sleep and wake cycle has evolved to follow the earth's light /dark cycle? Exposure to sunlight signals the wake cycle where the body inhibits melatonin (the sleep hormone). when the sunlight exposure ends in the evening the pineal gland produces melatonin to induce sleep. Therefore the more sunlight exposure the more the potential for melatonin production hence better sleep.

Plants and photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is one of the first things we learn in elementary science. This is the process where plants and organisms capable of photosynthesis use sunlight energy to convert absorbed components into simple and complex carbohydrates and oxygen that nourish the plants and other biological organisms on earth.

Solar energy

The sun also plays a major role in providing energy used by humans in accomplishing their daily activities. These activities can range from simple ones such as drying clothes to complex ones such as using solar batteries and converters to power machines.

In a nutshell

The earth needs the sun to support plant life and animal life including humans in a system that provides nourishment and oxygen. Earth would freeze if it did not receive heat from the sun. There would also be no winds, ocean currents, or clouds to transport water.

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Stanley Nandasaba
Stanley Nandasaba
30 oct. 2022

Great read. Keep up the good work

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